Everything - Single

Garrick Davis

This song is one of uplift and inspiration. It's about looking at "what is" and making the best of it.

This is the third version of "Everything" that I've released. It's actually my favorite, considering how it came together with my then 15-16 year old son Zach playing the animated piano tracks. I had him lay down a few tracks and chose two to
This song is one of uplift and inspiration. It's about looking at "what is" and making the best of it.

This is the third version of "Everything" that I've released. It's actually my favorite, considering how it came together with my then 15-16 year old son Zach playing the animated piano tracks. I had him lay down a few tracks and chose two to pan left and right. I had already tracked the acoustic guitar, synth drums and bass when he added his parts that I found lifted the groove and vibe up so much!

I drove down to San Jose, CA where Noel Catura added his sax track on what was not so great a microphone overall but worked perfectly among the other tracks. His playing was so responsive yet left space with what could have been too busy otherwise. Kudos to a brilliant instrumentalist, Noel Catura.

I didn't release this track with the album "Expose Your Self" because I didn't feel that it fit within those songs. In fact, I forgotten I had even recorded it until I came across it on an old external hard drive by happenstance. When I played it for that first time in 5 years I felt like the song's message was coming through loud and clear and that it was a perfect time to release it.

I hope you enjoy the results and take time to listen to the other versions and tell me which is your favorite.

Thank you and Happy Listening,

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